Castello in Savona: The Workshop on the Pipe and the Tribute to Sandro Pertini

Franco Coppo would like to express his gratitude for the invitation to participate in such a meaningful and inspiring event. The proposed workshop was a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the fascinating world steeped in the history of the pipe, not only as a simple artifact, but as an expression of art and culture.
The creative educational journey focused on the artistic application to ceramics, starting with the working of the pipe and then exploring its many conceptual and formal reinterpretations. This journey through the various facets of the pipe was articulated in a theoretical part, full of historical-artistic suggestions that go back to the origins of the smoking instrument, passing through the English and Dutch fancy pipes until arriving at the Italian artisanal pipe and its more modern interpretations, such as the one immortalized by Magritte and linked to the iconography of Pertini, as in the quotation that Rocco Dubbini proposed in the site-specific work conceived for the exhibition Dialogues around Freedom, curated by Livia Savorelli.
It is to Sandro Pertini, a prominent figure of the 20th century, that a heartfelt tribute is dedicated during this event. The former President of the Italian Republic, a great admirer of the Castello brand, is remembered not only for his political and social commitment, but also for his passion for the pipe. Franco Coppo had the honor of making the famous Pipe that Pertini held in his hand during the historic 1982 World Championship victory in Spain, with his presence he wanted to share the experience and his affection for this great figure.
Franco Coppo’s participation in this event represents a moment of encounter between tradition and innovation in the world of pipes, offering a unique opportunity to delve into the history and evolution of this extraordinary object.
We hope that this workshop is only the first in a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing and promoting the art of the pipe and its importance in Italian and international culture.
Kind regards,
Pipa Castello Press Office